Running on - Mathematical Equations...

Yeah, math is not my strong suit! The plan was to run :30/:60 intervals for 2 miles total. Set the watch (new, so some forgiveness for my poor ciphering is necessary) for 24 intervals. Got to the 2 mile mark, still had intervals to I thought, what the hell. Did my 24 intervals. I downloaded the run when I got home and most run sections were around the 9 minute/Mile pace. I'll take that.

Was it hard? Yep - won't lie. a mere 30 seconds had me breathing hard and the heart rate was up there. BUT I just kept reminding myself that it was only 30 seconds. As I move forward, I'm going to have to learn better pacing (hope that doesn't involve math ;) My goal is to stay below an 11:30m/M pace.

I may also have to re-learn some basic math skills!

Home to do my leg routine of squats, calf raises, bridges; arm routine of pull-ups, chin-ups and push-ups; planks; and stretches.



  1. Yay! A new blog from by Janet! I'm in awe of your self-discipline. I've totally fallen off the wagon. Am telling myself I'll get back on but I'm not a morning person and the evening's are so damn dark and cold. It may have to wait until I retire or change gears or whatever it is I'm doing in January. Anyway, good on ya for doing what you're doing!

    1. Well - didn't think anyone would find me over here in this new Blog-o-sphere, Janice. You must have had your glasses on to see the website on Twitter (put there so my nephew can follow along). Yep, here I am - excited and scared at the same time. We'll see how this all plays out (the blog is, hopefully, a way to keep me accountable).

      And you'll get back into a routine - running is too important to you to let it slide totally. I hear you on the whole morning thing - thankfully, my job lets me do noon hour runs. And I have my trusty treadmill if push comes to shove.

      Thanks for commenting and the encouragement :)


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