Running on - After Biking...

I am working very hard at upping my cadence and I find that after I bike, my turnover is much improved. The reason I'm adding a brick workout to my program this time. No, I am not outside on my bike - luckily, I have a husband who thought a spin bike would be a good addition to the exercise equipment. I was skeptical - but I love the spin bike.

It sits right next to the treadmill, so the idea is to bike and then hop onto the treadmill for the run segment. My legs are warmed up, quick turnover has been worked on and the run today felt almost effortless. I dropped the speed from last week so that my focus was on cadence, not falling off the back of the damn thing (aka - keeping up with the belt speed). Sadly, my watch will not show my cadence on the treadmill (does for outside runs), but I'm able to count and run at the same time ;)

