Running on - Excitement...

Obviously, we're still at the newlywed stage of this grand challenge if I'm talking excitement and running in the same conversation!

One of the races I'm looking at as a culmination of this challenge is not a marathon (I know, the blog title says C2FM). But it is a huge undertaking where most finishers take 3:30 to 5 hours to complete 24K. For the record, my best time for 21K (I'm slow, do not judge me) is 2:34. It is a gruelling trail event with some serious elevations:

That's almost sea level to 760 feet - and it's an out and back course, so once you've done the first three 'hills', you have to think about doing them again in reverse.

So, why the excitement, Janet. Again, early stages, but I've started to think about incorporating some trail running into my plan (this event is all trail running - I have no idea of the condition of the trail, but am thinking it might be a little more challenging that the groomed trails I've run on around this neck of the woods). This morning, I found my Lunenburg trail map pamphlet and am excited to explore some of the more challenging trails around this area.

And Ron reminded me that we have a great warren of trails right in our own backyard to explore. Of course, imagining running on these trails (either the sanctioned ones or the ones in our back yard) adds a certain nervousness to my excitement. I am the biggest chicken! Already I am picturing packs of coyotes...hunters...nefarious ATV riders...and getting lost!

Maybe this challenge will be more than just overcoming my habit of falling off the wagon. Maybe the bigger challenge I will face is overcoming my fear!



  1. A trail run? Awesome! And I'd love to you join you for some training runs. Trail running - especially in winter - is best done in the company of others.

    1. Ooh, I may very well take you up on your offer, Janice. a) I am already freaking out about running in the woods by myself b) you have the knowledge and experience to impart on trail running and c) it would be a great way for us to catch up and hang out :)

    2. Great! Let's see what we can figure out soon.

    3. Let's - ooh, looking forward to it :)


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