Running on - Good Advice...

When e-mailing Brenda last week about my plan, she asked if had given any thought to the race I want to run at the end of this adventure. I had, so I shared that with her. She thoughtfully reminded me that it would be October and the potential for bad weather would be high. Thanks, Brenda (why didn't I think of that when I was devising this plan...I could have started in May?).

Today's weather is usually what I call "Indoor Weather". It was raining when I got up, windy and not looking to get any better. Treadmill day...

Except, that little voice reminded me of what Brenda had said. If there's a good chance the culminating event will take place in rain, wind (or, please no, worse), then I need to be prepared. Just like I have to be prepared to run that distance by training, I need to run in less than ideal conditions. So, I checked the radar (spotty showers, not too bad) and off I went.

Thankfully, it was a balmy 18 degrees. Yes, it was windy, but not one spot of rain. I'm very glad I 'braved the elements' for today's run. And glad I have a friend who offers up good advice.



  1. Brenda is Bang-on, run through the worst weather and race day wont seem as bad. My last race of the year wound up being about 10 degrees warmer than my coldest run to that point. It gave me the confidence to know that I can not just survive but thrive in cooler temps. Good work!

    1. Thanks :) Yep, I have to keep on with that advice - I really am a wimp when it comes to inclement weather, so I will have to toughen up!


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