Running on - Icy Roads...

Yeah - even though I did post about taking good advice and getting out there in inclement weather, I am never going to be an icy road runner! Hell, I have a hard time walking on icy roads. Nope, and don't ask me if I've ever curled (well, I have, but it wasn't pretty - nor productive for the team).

Yesterday was our first snow event of the winter. More snow than I think they forecast - and we didn't get up to the warm temperatures promised, so that snow stuck around. Add in a cool night, no snow plow action in the 'hood, and it's a recipe for ice, slush, crusty snow and possible danger. Ron did go out with Zoe and reported back that there were sections where it was good - but I would have to zigzag to stay in those dry areas, and there were places where I most likely wouldn't be able to run. He knows how much I hate ice.

So, I hit the treadmill once again. Remember, I love the treadmill, so it wasn't a hardship. AND I got to finally listen to my new CD (Mamma Mia - Here We Go Again soundtrack). I ended up doing twice the planned distance with what seemed like little effort, so am very happy with today's workout.

I was on a roll and had thought about doing another two intervals, but My Love My Life started to play and I ended up crying (just like during the movie)'s hard to run on a treadmill while you are crying. Thank goodness Cher was up next with her most awesome rendition of Super Trooper to take me through my squat and push-up routine.

Hard to believe that was the end of Week 3 on the 52 Week Quest to C2FM!!

