Running on - OCD Tendencies...

I am a little OCD (if my family is reading this, don't laugh). When I create a new program/plan/project, I break out the spreadsheets. Yeah, I know. But it helps me to sort out what it is I want to accomplish - what I want my days to look like. Seeing the workouts in columns just makes sense to me - and keeps me from scheduling too many runs back to back or weight training without rest days in between. And as I've said before, I try to keep flexibility in the mix.

Usually, my spreadsheet stays digital. I open it up in the morning and then highlight the sections I've accomplished. This time, I printed it out. 26 weeks on one side, 26 weeks on the other. I have it posted on my bulletin board, visible from my desk. And, yes, I am highlighting as I go so that I can see all that I've accomplished when the going gets tough (it will get tough, I have no doubt).

Having it so obvious helps when I look at the upcoming week in my agenda book. I can pencil in my workouts, knowing what needs to be done (maybe by the 26th week, it will be ingrained but until then, we're working this system) and what days I just can't do THAT workout. Highlighting as I go also allows me to reconfigure if something comes up.

Like today - Ron got a call to work today, so I am on Zoe duty. A quick glance at my spreadsheet allows me to switch things up knowing I'll still get all my workouts done. So far (touch wood), it's a good system. Chalk one up to OCD tendencies :)



  1. I always use Excel! Haha. So many similarities!

    I print my program and put it on the fridge and record my times and distances as I go. I love looking at it when the program is complete and taking pride in how diligent I have been to miss only one or two runs during a 2 month program.

    1. So many ;) Glad to know I'm not the only one. And it really does make a difference printed out as opposed to being on the computer...something about seeing it! Good idea to record the time and distance!

      You work out your own programs, right?


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