Running on - Promises...

Or, let's be honest - BRIBERY!

Only 3 weeks in and I have resorted to bribery. And not just any bribery - FOOD BRIBERY! I knew it was going to be hard to get out the door today with winds still gusty and temperature below 0. I also knew I had to - can't be falling off the plan so soon (plenty of time for that later). So, I pulled out my stash of sausage rolls (I love sausage rolls) and got them cooked and cooling before I left the house.

Did it work? Yep - knowing those lovelies were waiting for me after my run got me dressed, out the door AND finishing the prescribed workout. At one point during my run, when I wanted to stop because the wind was in my face and I was breathing hard, I imagined the taste of those sausage rolls and put my head down to keep going.

Will I do something like that again? Yep - I know you're not supposed to bribe yourself with food ('they' say pick something that won't sabotage your goals, like a new workout top or a book or a magazine), but it works for me. Maybe next time it will be a bag of chips. Or a burger at McDonald's. Or gooey grilled cheese with pickles. Stuff I love to eat, but try hard to not eat because I know it's not the healthiest. And if that's what gets me out the door, bring it on!



  1. I have been known to bribe myself with a beer on a weeknight...rational is that 30+ minutes of running > a beer.

    1. Yep, with all your miles, you deserve a beer or two :)


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