Running on - Secret Notes...

Well, kinda secret. I love my new watch not only for the stat aspect (I love stats), the ability to create my own workout and the built-in heart rate monitor, but for the added bonus of writing myself little notes.

I won't say it was easy to figure out. My first run had me questioning the 'notes' screen that popped up. Notes? What notes? Then, when I went on to my Garmin Connect, I could see that there was a slot for notes. Ooh, interesting. So, I wrote a note.

Next run - I may have been a little excited to see that note page, but faced disappointment when there was nothing (other than the 'notes' on the black screen). Hmmm, must have done something wrong. So back on the learning curve...

Aha - notes get added to each segment of the workout I develop. Armed with that knowledge, I created my first secret note workout! And then off I went.

I glanced down during my warm up and saw the same black screen with 'notes' staring at me. Oops, had I done something wrong again? For the record, I simply forgot to add a note to that step of the workout.

First interval, there it was: GO! GO! GO!
Recovery: Deep breath!

And for every interval and every recovery when I glanced down at the watch, I got those secret messages - just for me. The best part was glancing down at the start of my cool-down and seeing this: Well done, You!!!

Kinda motivating. This week, a new set of intervals and the opportunity to create some more secret messages. And a smile on my face when I glanced down during the cool-down today and had my watch say - Atta Girl!



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