Running on - 3 Steps Up, 1 Step Back...

In The Plan, I've taken some liberties for stepping back in my training. Everything I read says to take a week and drop the mileage in order to prepare your body, give it rest, make it stronger. Since I am a numbers gal, I opted for 3 weeks ON, and the 4th week OFF (off being a step back in mileage, not a full week off...yikes, I'd never get started again).

Why the 3-4 schedule? Told you, I am a numbers gal - there are 52 weeks in a year...this being a year long project...52 is divisible by 4 (13). Nice round numbers. And looking at 3 weeks of all out knowing there will be a bit of a break come week 4, is comforting.

The runs are going well, so I don't want to lose any momentum this week. And this is only Week #8. But I will adhere to my self-imposed 3 Steps Up, 1 Step Back program with a small cut in mileage. Today was to be 2 miles - with icy roads, the treadmill was my go to machine and I ended up doing 2.7 miles. Still, a cut from the 4 miles I am looking at accomplishing in the next couple of weeks.

I'm also thinking that I need the fourth week to be a reward week. Maybe a bag of potato chips? Perhaps a trip to McDonald's?. Something that I can really look forward to as I tough it out for three weeks of increasing mileage and heavier weights. Since this is the week preceding Christmas, there is more than enough junk in the house to reward myself with (the Nanaimo Bars are taking a major hit)...but the next '4th Week' may have an added incentive.

We'll see how this plays out.

