Running on - and Getting 'er Done...

I was afraid this week would be less than great having had issues with time and motivation. But after yesterday's awesome 'long' run, I was more determined than ever to finish the week off on a high note.

With a Brick workout of 2 mile cycle and 1.5 mile run on the treadmill under my belt, Mamma Mia Here We Go Again soundtrack blaring on the stereo, and that damn spreadsheet needing to be coloured in, I picked up my weights and got 'er done.

There may have been some extra dancing (with and without Zoe...she's getting very good at dancing) and possibly, a couple of 'awesomes' thrown in for good measure. All in all, very, very happy with the wrap up to Week #5.



  1. Sounds like fun! Do you have room in your gym for a training partner?

    1. Hey, a virtual training partner, Janice ;) As you know, our bedroom is big enough for weight equipment - not so sure about another body...but one never knows until they try!!


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