Running on - Even when I don't want to...

Today was one such day. I was late getting out, not because I didn't want to go - but by the time I did get dressed, I had lost my enthusiasm. I told myself I had to, no exceptions.

Well, 'myself' was a grouchy bear the whole time. Carping about the pace, the breathing, the fact we still had more to go. It was incredibly hard to keep going in the face of such opposition and dislike for what I was doing. But I did!

It was not stellar, but there were high points:

1. A minute faster than the exact same workout as last week!

2. A higher cadence than last week's run (this was a goal of the run today)!

3. And my first bit of trail running (because I really didn't want to keep running on the road, so I took a little path that leads to a clear cut lot with ATV tracks...this helped me to slow down at the end and gave me a focus over and above the unhappy little voice in my head)!

So, even when I didn't want to, I did - and am very happy with the results.



  1. For the little amount of trial running I have done I love it! Will be planning to do more next summer!

    Way to get out there and get it done even when you didnt want to!

    ...yes, I am behing on your blog but will be caught up soon! :)

    1. Thanks. Yeah, the trail...I had hoped to utilize the trails in behind the house here, but after talking to our neighbout, I'm rethinking that plan. He says it can be a real warren up there - easy to get lost. I may have to look at the open field on the other side of us - and the Rails to Trails (which is pretty groomed compared to the trail run I'm looking at running). But I think Melinda on Twitter does all her training on roads and she is an awesome ultra trail runner...may have to chat with her about that.


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