Running on - Injury...

It had to happen sooner or later, right? I am injured...after a great treadmill run yesterday, I was on top of the world. Now, I feel like the world is on top of me. The pain is excruciating! I can barely move! Getting out of bed required Ron's help this morning. Trying to get dressed also meant relying on Ron. I have been in tears most of the day. The heating pad has barely cooled off before it's switched back on. Ibuprofen has been my best friend.

And it's all my mom's fault!

She called last night just as I was getting ready for bed. Instead of sitting down and chatting with her, I attempted to do my nightly chores at the same time. You know, multitasking - saving time - thinking I was being efficient. I had the phone jammed in-between my shoulder and neck while I used two hands to rinse the tea cups, wipe down the counters, unplug Christmas lights, ooh - and pluck the dead buds off my Christmas Cactus because they were bothering me. Never thought any more about it until I woke up at 1 in the morning in such pain I thought I was going to vomit.


On a positive note, it is a step back week. My legs are still good, ready to hit the road/treadmill when I can finally move my neck. And, 3/4s of the way through the day, I am actually feeling better. Hey, I can type without pain radiating up my arm! Always got to look at the bright side - the dull side would just make me miserable.



  1. Yikes! Sorry to read this...

    In my experience with my bad neck and shoulders ice is the way to go for the first 4 days or so...reduce the swelling is key!

    Feel better!!!

    1. Can't believe I forgot to reply to this...sorry, David. As we discussed on messenger today, am feeling much better. And trying very hard to remember not to jam the phone between my shoulder and ear (hard habit to break).

  2. Oh , man. That totally sucks, Janet. So sorry you were injured. Hope you're feeling right as rain soon! Isn't it funny how small things can set us back sometimes? Getting older ain't for sissies. Incidentally, I agree that ice usually works best - on and off - for no more than 10 minutes at a time is what my chiro recommends.

    1. Much better, Janice - thank you :) Guess the body just had had enough of me holding that phone with my head while I did other things. Hopefully, I've learned a valuable lesson!


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