Running on - Specific Goals...

I read somewhere (another 'they said') that each run should have a goal, whether it be speed, easy, long/slow, tempo, etc. I am trying to approach this C2FM plan with that in mind. There are 3 runs during the week (4 if you count my Brick workout - but that is an entity all to itself), so I look at each one with a goal in mind. I'm hoping this strategy will stop boredom from setting in. Or, the bigger issue, stop me from comparing every run and coming up short of my expectations.

Today had been dedicated to speed, but I just didn't have it in me - so I changed the goal before I hit the road. And I'm OK with the change - the important thing is to have a goal for when I start the run. I decided to do the prescribed .25/.25 x 6 with the run segments clocking in around the 11:00/11:30m/M pace. This is the pace I'd like to be able to eventually run I guess this was a tempo run (?), maybe race pace (?). The idea was to keep my cadence up while maintaining good form and not go too fast that I would be exhausted by the 5th interval.

Sometimes it was hard to pull back - sometimes it was hard to give a little more effort - but the feel of the run was very, very good.

Goal met!



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