Running on - Motivational Reading...

If you've been reading along, you know I am low on motivation right now (seem to be turning around, though - feeling optimistic ;) Over the past couple of weeks, I've been searching for motivation on line ('cause, really, where else am I going to find it?). There were bits here and there - nothing that jumped out at me or gave me that 'aha' moment. Basically, they weren't motivational!

But last week when I went to the library to drop off some books (don't you love the library - really, I could spend my entire day there), I decided to check the running section. Yes, I have the Dewey Decimal code for running books memorized - or at least the exact location in our library - don't judge me. Now, I really didn't expect to find anything as I have read almost all the books our library has on running (nothing found yet that would do the actual running for me) and am in the process of bringing stuff in via inter-library loans. Imagine my surprise when there was a brand new book (to me - and to the library) just waiting to be scooped up and the spine cracked. I almost sprinted (!) to the counter with it in order to check it out.

And it has been motivational. Perhaps the Universe was listening and put that book exactly where I could find it. Jill Grunenwald's Running with a Police Escort is an awesome account of one runner's quest from the 'back of the pack'. Yep, she's a slow runner and proud of it! But it wasn't so much her pace that I could relate to (which I could), it was her honesty when it came to sticking with the running, the training. She speaks of losing her 'running mojo'...'again'. Yep, looking back on my running, that's exactly what has happened - over and over again.

Here's the motivational part - she just keeps stepping up.

"All I could do was keep moving forward. One foot in front of the other for however long as it took to cross whatever proverbial finish line lay ahead on the horizon of my life. Sometimes, moving forward is the only progress that seems achievable."

I am very happy I found the book - and am almost finished. It may be worth a quick re-read before I have to return it to the library. Thanks, Jill - your story has given me the motivation to climb back up on that wagon and keep going!


(Planned workout - Resistance band workout 12 reps, chin-up/pull-up workout 12 reps - DONE!)
(Push-up/Plank Challenge Day 2 - 5/30)
