Running on - Numbers...

It's been mentioned (and is no secret) that I am a stats/number person (should have been an accountant...or a bookie). So when I was looking at possibly running a marathon as my ultimate goal, I started looking at numbers.

OK, before we go any further - yes, I know I shouldn't be looking at time for a first marathon!

Where were we? Ultimately (again), the marathon goal would be between 5:30:00 and 6:00:00. This is doable as all of my half marathons were around the 2:40:00 mark and they all started off with good intentions (training-wise), but the final push was, shall we say, lackluster (yes, we shall say lackluster - better than saying the final push was shite).

Now, with that time frame in mind I can use some awesome Internet resources to show that I only have to keep my run/walk combined time at 13:00m/mile pace. Seeing as how I am not a fast runner and I don't want to overwhelm myself, I feel that a combined 13:00m/M pace is doable - and that is what I am striving for in my training runs. Sure, I may get faster as the training increases...but if I don't and I focus on that magic number, I may be able to meet that time goal in my very first marathon.

Want to see how your runs stack up? Seriously, punching in numbers and seeing the results is kind of fun. Here's some awesome on-line calculators:

The Running Calculator for Run/Walk Pace - This one is very optimistic as it tells me with a 7/1 run/walk plan (running segments being around the 12:30m/M mark, walking at 15:30 - I walk fast), I can possibly come across the finish line in 5:35:52!

Galloway Run/Walk Calculator - This lets you choose any number of scenarios (kind of addicting)!

FiveThirtyEight - How Fast Would You Run a Marathon - ooh, this one is FUN...note, I ignore the first question on number of training miles per week!

And if you just want a good, old-fashioned pace chart, type 'pace chart: 13:00 - 13:59 minutes per mile (or what ever pace you want) runner's world' into Google and voila!

Numbers - gotta love them.


(Planned workout - Treadmill 10x2/1@5.0...Actual workout - 9x2/1@5.0;1x2/1@5.5; leg/core routine)
(Push-up/Plank Challenge - 6/35)
