Running on - The Thrill of a New Year...

It's like a new schedule/plan - all shiny with possibilities. That was what today was for me. I was worried about my neck, so I went with the treadmill option as the roads were still icy. But neck or not, I was getting my run done! Opted to scale it back - intervals of 1:30/1:30 @ 5.5mph...and then felt so good at the end, threw in 2 1/1 @ 6mph.

It's no secret that I like the treadmill. It feels easier...which is probably because 'they' say it is easier, with the belt doing some of the work for you. It also allows me to workout in the comfort of my own home (aka - warm and cozy versus windchill and cold). I really am a wuss - something I will have to work out if I plan on doing any of the challenge events in Oct.

But that's what GRIT is for! Today's 'grit' was to get back on the program, work up a sweat and enjoy the happy endorphins that followed.

Check, check and check!

