Running on - Upper Body Strength...

It's no secret that muscles burn's also no secret that muscles help you run better. Most training programs for runners deal with the runs - with a mention or two of cross-training, but nothing specific. It's all about the run!

For years I have been working on and off with weights knowing that having more muscle mass burns more calories at rest (allowing for the all important wine consumption ;) And every time I've taken on a training program, I try to incorporate strength training into the mix. This is not an easy task as one tries to figure out the rest days, run days, cross-training days, arm days, leg days...I probably overthink it!

This go around, I've decided to keep it simple. I figure I'm getting a good leg workout on run days (but I do add in squats, calf raises and bridges when I get home, before stretching). To get a good arm workout, I look at my off days...and again, keep it simple. There's a great article that touts that upper body strength training and gives a simple overview of what works best for runners (and why):

3 Reasons Runners Need Upper Body Training

So as not to overwhelm myself or burnout because I have way too many things on my To Do List, I have decided to do my strength training Tuesdays and Thursdays...with the OPTION of a swim or spin bike on those days IF I FEEL LIKE IT.

Oh, and of course I am doing a month long Push-up/Plank Challenge.

Do you strength train?


Planned workout - Blue weight routine, chin-up/pull ups x12 - Actual - as planned!
Push-up/Plank Challenge Day 4 - 6/35
