Running on - HIIT...

Today was what I call 'speed day'. A little something extra on the run that gets my legs turning over faster than usual. I had thought to do the same as last week (2 mile run with 30s 'sprint' or 'fartlek' at then end of each of those miles), but because of icy conditions on the road, it was treadmill day. So, I opted for my favorite workout - HIIT!

High Intensity Interval Training

And I opted to push my limits. I usually do HIIT on the treadmill (a great place to do HIIT, by the way, as you can regulate the speed) at a 5.5mph for a minute. OR, if I want to do 6mph, I usually only do 5 intervals of a minute or drop that time frame down to 30 seconds. Today, I wanted to see how many intervals I could do in that 2 mile parameter. The ultimate goal was 10, but I wasn't sure - so I gave myself permission to either drop the time or drop the speed if I got tired.

Nope to both those options. I pushed through to 10 intervals. Here's how it broke down in my head:

1st interval - ooh, that feels clumsy, maybe not a good idea...

2nd interval - better, much better...

3rd, 4th, 5th intervals - brilliant...

6th interval - OK, getting tired, find a good song to run to...

7th interval - repeat that song (Achy-Breaky not judge me)...

8th interval - one more, you can do one more...

9th interval - so close to 10, come on...

10th interval - longest minute EVER, but...


And yes Brenda, I felt joy when I finished ;) Awesome workout followed up with my leg routine and then push-up/plank challenge.

