Running on - In the Cold...

Actual text from this morning's e-mail to my friend Brenda:

'...and (get this) enjoying my one mile runs (actually looking forward to this morning's run - just trying to decide if I want to brave the -15 windchill for a walk/run outside or if I'll hit the treadmill again).'

I am feeling the love with this walk/run streaking thing I got going! And I did end up going out for my workout. It was cold (relatively speaking - with apologies to my Prairie friends who are suffering in extreme cold warnings and bitter windchills), but it was sunny and I knew the fresh air would do me good. I have lots of winter gear, so I bundled up and headed out.

It.Was.Cold. Luckily, the nasty wind was at my back on the way home...the run segment of the workout. I did a little over a mile - not absolutely sure because I actually remembered to NOT start my watch (Watchless Wednesday). And other than the cold, it felt awesome. I came home to gobble up leftover spaghetti that Ron fried in butter (don't knock it until you've tried it).

Tomorrow has snow in the forecast, so not sure when I'll get back outside for a run (the other reason I bundled up today). But the treadmill will be standing by.

