Running on - A Nutritious (hardly) Plan...

Long runs are Saturday morning. And, yay me, I got my long run in this morning before 10am. Truthfully, I'm not really at a long run stage. Today's long run was 3 miles. But for me, that's long. The whole idea is to build up the mileage slowly, so today's long run will be a short warm up a couple of months from now.

'They' say nutrition before the long run (or Race Day) is very important, thus the whole 'carb loading' thing. That means Friday night is an important step in preparation for my long run Saturday morning. BUT, Friday night at Chez Corcoran's is Pizza Night (should that be 'a casa di Corcoran', since we are talking pizza?). I can't envision a Friday night without pizza, we've been holding that tradition for so very long. And what I've read suggests pizza the night before a long run or a race day may not be your best option...

UNLESS, you've trained that way. So, on top of training for whatever big event I seem to be training for, I am also taking on the Nutrition Plan of Pizza the night before. And a beer. It used to be wine, but I've decided the extra carbs in beer will help (hahahaha - I can pretty well justify anything).

The other part of the plan, executed perfectly today I might add, is that I will refuel after the long run with the left over pizza. Because who can resist leftover pizza? Who can resist leftover pizza after a long, sweaty run? Not me!

I'll keep you posted on my Nutrition Experiment.

