Running on - But Not With a Cold...

Yep, scratchy throat late Saturday night, full fledged cold Sunday morning. Not happy! Now there is a ton of advice out there as to whether or not one should run when they have a cold - the most common is that if you're illness is above the neck (ie: nasal congestion), you're fine; but if it's below the neck (ie: chest congestion), take a pass. Of course, as with anything, you can always find someone, somewhere to justify your decision.

Since I have adhered before to the elevated heart rate theory (take an extra rest day if resting heart rate is elevated), I opted for no workout today. It was going to be a heart rate training day and I figured I wouldn't get much out of it when my heart rate is already elevated. Besides, with the itchy and watery eyes, runny nose and sneezing, I don't think the run would have been very pleasant.

I opted, instead, to take a nap. Fingers crossed I am feeling better soon!

