Running on - Filling the Vault...

My friend Julie is a firm believer in putting memories in the vault to be puledl out if and when needed. For example, an excellent hill workout - in the vault to be pulled out when tackling hills in a race or on a regular run ('Remember that time you did that fabulous hill workout with zoomed up that hill with no problem.') Or, the first time you ran 8 miles non-stop to be pulled out when a 4 miler is feeling unattainable.

Today was a memory for the vault. I woke up on the wrong side of the bed - twice. The first time when Zoe jumped up for her usual morning cuddle before Ron took her for a walk. And then again when I woke a good half hour later, having fallen asleep after they left. I was still tired and could feel the onset of a headache. My first thought was 'ugh, I have to run today.'

Thankfully, there was no procrastinating as I was already half an hour behind in the day and I had to drive Ron into town so he could pick up the other car at the garage. I think if I had had time, I would have postponed the run until it was too late. But, I got my butt out the door and did it.

It was as slow as molasses, breathing was erratic, don't even ask my about the heart rate - the main thing is I did it. And got rid of the headache!* This will go in the vault - 'Remember that time you didn't want to run and you had a headache and you were grouchy and you did it? You are stronger and more determined than you think!'


*unfortunately, the grouchiness did not disappear!
