Running on - Imitation...

I am one of those people who will start to mimic an accent when speaking with someone. It's not a conscious choice, I just automatically adopt the tone and inflections of whomever I am speaking with. Then I catch myself and try not to do it - afraid that the other person may think I am being rude. Truly, I am not.

So yesterday after running with Janice and posting about what a great role model she is for cadence, I got to thinking of my unconscious imitation habit. Could it be the same? Do I adjust my gait depending on who is running with me?

A very long while ago, Brenda and I did the half marathon in Port Greville, NS. OMG, the hills!!! The website assured everyone the route was along rolling hills. To a Prairie Girl, those were small mountains. And it wasn't just uphill one way - this course was an undulating (a very nice term for them there hills) out and back. As we turned to head back into town, I realized that those lovely downhills I had enjoyed coming out were going to be hell going back in.

I digress. Brenda and I trained separately - in two very far way provinces. Me here in Nova Scotia, Brenda in the Northwest Territories. But we promised each other we'd run together. We trudged along - carping and bitching the whole time about those 'rolling hills', catching up with our lives, cheering each other on at rough patches on the run, laughing (we always do a lot of laughing) at the craziness of it all, chatting with the water station people (last station had watermelon and I'm pretty sure we were there for at least 5 minutes) and waving to passing motorists.

When we got back to the start/finish area (and I told everyone who would listen that those were NOT rolling hills), one of the volunteers came over and struck up a conversation. She commented on the fact that we must run all our runs together because we ran exactly the same (she had been in one of the cars out checking and re-checking on participants). Now this is not that unusual per say - but Brenda and I have a height difference of at least 6 inches. Hmmm?

All that being said, I plan on exploring this more. And maybe utilizing Janice (she doesn't know that right now) for her amazing cadence, imitating her gait/stride until it becomes second nature for me.

You do know 'they' say imitation is the highest form of flattery!

Brenda and I before the run - heat, hills and (100%) humidity made for two very tired, very sweaty individuals (thank goodness no pics of that).


  1. Good blog, I remember that lady saying that about our running. Yes, an obvious height difference. We need to do a compilation of our running photos.

    1. Love that idea, Brenda - one of these days when I am stuck for what to write on this blog-a-roo.

  2. Nova Scotia can stuff thier "Rolling Hills" haha.

    It is so nice when you have someone to run with AND you pace out well with them. That is awesome!

    1. Figured you'd get a kick out of 'rolling hills' since you've tackled the Conquerall Bank Half Marathon twice ;)


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