Running on - Swim Day...

No, I'm not running on swim day, nor am I swimming on run day. Why I chose to start all my blog titles with 'Running on-' escapes me. I am sure I thought it would be a way to tie everything together, but it is a serious pain in the butt. Those that know me, know I can not let it go now that it's out there. I will just continue to cringe when my topic of the day doesn't have anything to do with running OR when I can't think of a witty connection.

So, swim day. I haven't been to the pool since the beginning of December. But I have been pretty diligent in my strength training (not so much the running, though). Along with my push (push-ups, chest exercises, triceps, raises, etc) and my pull (chin-ups, pull-ups, biceps, rows, etc), I have been working with resistance bands. Specifically, swim-specific exercises. Today's swim felt almost effortless (I say almost effortless because I am still a newbie and my breathing and kicking needs work). And, I was faster by three laps. I am taking both of those as a sign I am getting stronger.

I love the water.

