Running on - With a Cold...

Had a much better night and woke up feeling quite normal (normal according to me), so decided to head out the door for a run. Actually, decided to head out the door with an eye on my heart rate and the goal of at least a couple of miles (walking if need be).

As an aside - I know there's a way to set up the heart rate workout on my Garmin watch, but do you think I can figure it out. Got the brainy idea of setting the high/low alert, then just opting for my non-stop run workout - hoping that the watch would vibrate when I reached the high and I would slow to a walk until it vibrated on the low and I would pick up the pace. #fail There were not vibrations, no alerting me to the fact I had exceeded the set heart rate. This is fail#2, the first workout I created ended up vibrating all the time because I set the parameters exactly the same. I am not technologically advanced!!

The workout was mostly walking, with my heart rate elevated into the zone where I would have it set for a slow run. Obviously, I am not quite normal (no comments here, please). Yet. On the mend and am pleased I got out the door and managed 3.5 miles. It was good to get out into the fresh air.

