Running on - Getting Easier...

And I use 'easier' with trepidation. Every time I think the running is getting easier, I stumble with my dedication. But it did feel easier today. The plan was a 45 minute non-stop - as slow as need be in order to do the full 45 minutes. And it was slow...but maybe that's what made it easy?

Easy up to a point. I could feel my form starting to falter around the mile and a half/two mile mark. The arms had dropped, the feet weren't as light, my shoulders were slumping. But having noted that, and the fact that weeks ago my form was disintegrating around the 1/2 mile mark, I know I am getting stronger.

Speaking of 'stronger', I've been a little remiss about my strength training. OK, totally remiss! But a new month means a new determination to work my arms (and work toward a full push-up and a full chin-up) three times a week and my legs twice a week. Yesterday's arm workout felt easy (there's that word again), but I can feel the effects today, so I know I worked those muscles to the point where they need to heal/regenerate and get stronger.

And today's show has been brought to you by the words EASY and STRONG!

