Running on - Inspiration for Speed...

It was speed day today - well, it was going to be hill day, but Janice and I couldn't coordinate our schedules. So speed it was.

I was inspired by my nephew* who ran 4 miles in 32 minutes (that's an 8m/M pace - blistering)!! My goal was to go out and do 2/1s - speedy 2 minute runs with a lovely 1 minute walk recovery. My first 2 minutes clocked in at a 10m/M pace. And I was pooped.** So, I immediately switched it up - 1 minute runs/2 minute walks. And I flew around the 'hood. One of my intervals was an 8m/M pace - blistering for a minute ;)

14 intervals later, with most clocking in at the high 8m/M pace and low 9m/M pace, I was done. Stick a fork in me done! There was nothing left (I had planned on doing 15) other than a slow walk home. And the cadence - I saw blue on the graph for the first time (blue indicates a 180 average spm cadence) and even some purples (>183 - the highest range). Needless to say, I was pumped about my run!

Now, the question becomes - was it a speed workout or a power workout? More on this tomorrow.

*My nephew is a constant source of inspiration

**I was battling the wind, too - seemed to come at me no matter which direction I ran - Garmin reports it at 53kph, weather network has gusts up to 80kph



  1. Awe thanks. I sometimes feel like I share too much of my journey online. Glad you get something out of it.

    You were flying on this run!

    1. I look forward to your posts, David - they inspire me, and I love to cheer you on! Hmm, reading back over this blog inspires me - I do love the to try and cultivate it over longer periods of time????!!!!

    2. It will come. Consistency of effort will make your body grow into new faster paces! Keep on rolling!

    3. Inspired me for today's run - thanks for that!!


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