Running on - A Simple Promise...

To just get out there and move. No planned intervals. No pre-set distance. No stress. That simple promise got me out the door today when I would rather have not gone running.

On my run (which was good, BTW - a Willy Nilly, with mostly running, but some walk breaks taken when I felt I needed them, and an awesome 4 minute, 11m/M pace to finish), I gave some thought to what I had written in my journal this morning. I finished my day/week/month book (I create my own with the info I need - one side of the page is my running journal and the other side is my weekly agenda) and the last lone page always gets a bit of a write up to recap the time from the beginning of the journal. I always re-read that first page and it reminded me that I had been in the middle of my previous project (Project 365, where I was cultivating healthy habits). I wrote this morning that not much had changed. Yes, the habit of drinking copious amounts of water has stuck. As has other habits. But that habit of running 4 days a week? Nope.

Thus the reason for the promise this morning. I really want to be a 4 day a week runner. Not for speed, not for great distances, but for the simple fact I think it's a really good, healthy habit. As I thought about that desire, out there on my run, the run became so much easier. As if a weight had been lifted off my shoulders. Interesting, eh?

Perhaps I will employ the Simple Promise a lot more in the future.

