Running on - Benchmarks #2...

Back at the four week mark of this crazy adventure, I wrote about a benchmark run I had planned on doing every 4 weeks to check on improvements. I liken it to the parkruns that take place all over Britain every Saturday (and are starting to catch on here - - a simple 5K run to get out there and enjoy the fresh air. A lot of people use the parkruns as benchmarks, and you can sign up and your chip time is recorded so you can see how you're doing. I love the idea, but there are no parkruns around here.

But...I plan on having my own little parkrun. It was to be every 4 weeks. Sadly, the Saturday of Week #8 saw me laid up with a very bad kink in my neck and running was on hold. Life will throw you curve balls - it's how you handle them that counts.

I simply moved my parkrun/benchmark to today. Week #10. And I took 40s off the previous 5K time. This is with a 3 minute walk thrown in after I managed 33 minutes non-stop (I just had to walk - I had aimed for 30 minutes non-stop, so at the 33 minute mark, I gave myself permission to walk a bit). After my walk/rest, I finished off with a strong 4 minutes.

The run felt awesome - comfortable and controlled.

So: Benchmark #1 - 39:32; Benchmark #2 - 38:51

Well done, Me!!



  1. Replies
    1. Thank you :) I`m pretty pleased with it. I went out for a timed run, not a when I saw the numbers, I was pleasantly surprised.


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