Running on - Reset and Streaking...

I am nothing if not determined to get on that wagon and stay on matter how violently it careens around corners in an effort to get me off once and for all. Yesterday, I reset.

I spent hours on Friday and Saturday looking back at my various running journals. What worked, what didn't, how was I feeling, where did I fall off - all of those questions were answered in those many pages of bullet point information jotted down after runs. A wealth of knowledge and inspiration at my fingertips. And the biggest lesson I gleaned from my scribbles...

I am nothing if not determined!

One of the best time periods in this running gig I've been playing on and off for almost 10 years, was when I streaked. I ran 50 days (ended up being 57) in a row, starting with 1 miles runs and ending up with some 2 and some 3 mile runs. I even ran a half marathon in there! It was hard - my journal entries can attest to that - but I never felt stronger, more controlled and faster (!).

Another fabulous time in my running life was when I streaked for 126 days...5K every day, either running, walking (or combination of) or spinning. I lost weight (that was the goal - I had another 15 pounds to lose of the 30 I had gained from being sedentary for 7 Years with a desk job and my re-kindled passion for writing), I got faster, and I learned to love my runs. Yes, LOVE MY RUNS - it says so in my journal.

So, with those things in mind (and my epiphany from Friday), I have scheduled a 3 week streak. Running a mile every day, walking every day (sometimes these will be combined, like today's awesome 5K walk/run, or I'll run in the morning and walk with Zoe and Ron in the evening) to equal 5K every day. I have included simple, short weight exercises to maintain my weight training. And I am excited about it.

I'll continue to keep detailed notes in my running journal...and I'll keep logging my determination here.



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