Running on - Even Though...

I am not the most tech-savvy individual so when I uploaded a Heart Rate training plan onto my watch this morning, I knew there could be problems.

Um, yeah. Seems I set it to alert me when my heart rate was under 140 and then alert me again when it was over 110. Do the math...the damn thing was vibrating all.the.time! Once I got it to stop vibrating, I deleted it and went with my Non-stop 2 miler and kept watching the heart rate so that I would run if I was over 114 and walk when it reached 135. A pain in the butt, but it worked and I had an awesome heart rate run - improving on my heart rate run of last week.*

I will do some more investigating and attempt to create another heart rate run workout for my watch. I figure getting a little vibration when it's time to walk or when it's time to run is much better than constantly looking down at my watch. Wish me luck!


*noted: last week was a treadmill run, this week I was outside
