Running on - Hills Part 2...

I really, really didn't want to run today. Like really, really!!! So I was very happy that I had made arrangements last night with Janice to do this week's hill repeat. She was coming to pick me up - I had no choice (well, I did, but don't tell my brain that or there will be lost opportunities left, right and center).

On our way over, I told her that I wasn't feeling the love! Just to warn her in case I swore or wimped out or didn't throttle up the hill like I did a couple of weeks ago (which I didn't, but I'll get to that). Or lay on the road in a fetal position and cry like a baby over this running quest. She was more than understanding and said we'd take it easy.

What started out as an 'ugh, I have to run' morning, ended up with a 'fabulous run' thumbs-up before getting into the car. We did take it easy and, surprisingly, was only a half a minute slower (all tolled) than the previous workout. Now, I'm not going to say it was easy, because it wasn't (I was huffin' and puffin'), but it was definitely enjoyable (Brenda - more joy ;) AND, my cadence* was up 10 steps/minute and the heart rate was down by 10 beats. I call that a win.

The only issue - the only issue - was that we ended up yakking so much, we only did 4 downhills instead of 5. Hey, if that's the only issue on a run, I will take it all day long!!!


*must run with Janice more - she is good for my foot turnover - thanks, Janice ;)
