Running on - Promises (er, Bribery)...

Planned for a longer run today (see post about pushing harder in this quest), so that meant promising (er, bribing) myself some goodies to make sure I got it done. The plan was to make it to 45 minutes non-stop. The promises (er, bribery) were many:

1. Left over BBQ Chicken Pizza as soon as I was done (would have it anyway, but maybe not so early in the day)

2. Long, overdue chat with my nephew (would have done that anyway but if I had done it before the run, I may have been in jeopardy of not getting out the door - and I knew he'd ask about the running)

3. Luanna's Chocolate Balls - a lovely concoction gifted to us that we ball in a big mug of milk, microwaved until hot and melty...heaven (would not have had this as they are very sweet and I really need to use them as a reward)

4. Rest of the day to lounge in my pajama pants and fleecy

I am already kitted out so once I hit publish, I am on the couch. Perhaps a nap, maybe a movie. I am in the middle of a couple of books, so might pick one of those up. A well deserved reward (er, bribe) for getting it done today.

