Running on - Pushing Hard...

It occurred to me today that I am 19 weeks into this quest and I really haven't increased my mileage. Oh, I've procrastinated, carped, phoned it in (short runs, mostly walking), and fell off the wagon a couple of times. I've been busy, but I haven't been focused.

OK, that's not entirely correct. I look at my spreadsheet directly in front of me and I see that I was very diligent at the start of this quest. BUT, I was in the early stages, building miles and conditioning my lungs, tendons, muscles. Then it kind of goes sideways - and then swerves around a lot, only to get get back on track and still not running 'long'.

Today, I was determined to do something about that. Today, I told myself to push beyond that comfort zone of 3 miles/30 odd minutes. And, surprisingly, I listened. The treadmill is fun in that you can do all kinds of intervals. There was no plan to run non-stop - unless I felt like it. There was no plan to do pre-determined intervals - unless I got into a groove. The only plan was to keep my walk breaks to a minute each and push past that 3 mile mark.

Many different intervals, many different speeds, 1 minute walk breaks here and there and TA DA...3.7 miles/50 minutes. A new benchmark as I move forward in this quest.

On a Zoe Note: I got off my treadmill and had to check something in the kitchen...Super Trouper came on the CD and I heard the click, click of doggie toenails heading into the bedroom. She came to dance with me!!! Funny, I completely forgot about the Sub-Quest! We had a good few minutes before she got side-tracked by her toy box.

