Running on - And Not Feeling the Love...

Was it just last week I was saying how much I was 'loving' this running thing? Looking forward to my runs? Oh,yeah - it was!

The bloom seems to have fallen off the rose. I haven't been feeling the love - BUT I've still be getting out there to do the planned workout. THIS may be a breakthrough (although I don't want to jinx myself).

Today was supposed to be Heart Rate Training Day. Tomorrow, a 45 minute non-stop run. There is a bucket load of snow in the forecast, so I am pretty sure tomorrow will be a treadmill day. Knowing that and knowing that the love isn't there, I told myself that after 3 strong weeks, I could cut myself some slack. The goal was to get out the door. Maybe do a heart rate run, maybe a shorter non-stop - but.get.out.the.door.

I ended up opting for the non-stop, but unsure of the time. My legs were clunky and I struggled with my breathing. At a mile (because there was no way I was not doing at least a mile), I wanted to turn around and walk home. I kept going.

At a mile and a half, I wanted to turn around and walk home. I kept going.

At two miles...well, you get the picture. I struggled. I told myself to slow down. I ran on the shoulder in order to focus on my footing and not on my dislike of running. I channelled various people I follow on Twitter - the latest inspiration Diane Trites, who just crushed her half marathon PR by 5 minutes this past weekend (she's my vintage and is defying those that say we slow down as we age). I even ran with imaginary people, reminding them to slow down (Coach Janet to the Invisible Runners).

At 45 minutes, I was roughly 3 minutes away from the entrance to our subdivision. There was no way in hell I was quitting then.

47:38 non-stop for the win. Bonus points, I was actually a little faster than last week's 45 minute run. Very, very happy!

