Running on - Back to Back Days...

I know - I KNOW - that if there's a change in my schedule, I will most likely falter with my planned runs. SO, if I know there's going to be changes, then I need to be proactive and plan ahead. This week will be a little off as I drive Ron the airport tomorrow so he can go on his long weekend getaway to Mississauga. I will be tired. There's also the added activity to my mornings called 'walk the dog'. AND, they're calling for rain again on Saturday (I am a fair weather runner).

Planning ahead meant that today had to be the run I have scheduled for tomorrow. Which meant I was running back to backs - and after a hard effort yesterday with my tempo intervals. I promised myself a Willy Nilly Run, with the hope I would do at least 2 miles non-stop. I also reminded myself that two days in a row of fast feet would not be a good idea. Out I went - did 30 minutes non-stop (#slowasmolasses) and then walked, ran the rest of the way. Surprisingly, my legs felt good.

Which makes me wonder if I truly am not pushing myself.*

Tomorrow will be a nap when I get back from the airport at 'way too early in the morning' o'clock. Then, I will walk Zoe and do my weights. Since I will not be running and they're forecasting rain, I will do my 'long' run on Friday. With this plan, I hit all my exercise goals for the week. With the extra dog walking, I will rack up some serious mileage. I'll let you know how it all goes!


*OK, no wondering, I have a pretty good idea I'm not!
